Wednesday 15 November 2017

Published November 15, 2017 by with 0 comment

Can I get a 1st rank in IIT?

  1. Find out what motivates you (you may think what you want from life and how being an IITian will make it easier for you to achieve it).You must have a reason why do you want to get into an IIT.Once you are motivated, determination will follow.But from here the real challenge starts, being determined is easy but remaining determined for 2 years will be tough job.
  2. You need to be calm, composed & well prepared for any type of difficulty, ups and downs which you will face within the next two years of your study. You need to understand that failure is a part of learning and develop an attitude of learning from your mistakes. That’s how you will grow and improve.
  3. Remember that only wishful thinking with no efforts will lead you no where.
  4. A correct timetable is very crucial. Your activities should be planned. The time distribution for studying all of Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics in one day should be clear to you from the moment you wake up. Always aim to set constructive goals.
  5. You have to always be sworn by three planning tools, a proper time table for each subject, long term and short term plans and a balanced study schedule which leaves adequate time for other activities.
  6. If your parents could afford it, you should join a coaching institute, such that you get at least 6 hours to prepare for yourself.
  7. Make a plan. Set yourself some deadlines for each topic and try to get them done. Also, it's up to you how long you study. It doesn't really matter how long you study, what matters is what and how much you study.
  8. DO NOT MUG UP PROBLEM PATTERNS - that's going to really mess up your mind to a level where you would find it too hard to come back from - you probably won't be left with enough time to understand the topic later.
  9. Do not jump from one to another book in order to search for new problems in the same chapter. Do one book thoroughly.
  10. Follow the right(not many) books. Keep the sources minimal but be thorough with whatever you have chosen. Books like SL Loney, Cengage, I.A Maronfor maths, HC Verma for physics, NCERT, JD Lee, Morrison boyd for chemistry.
  11. It is always better to solve less number of quality problems all by yourself than solving a large number of substandard and similar problems by yourself.
  12. Don’t miss out lectures even when you know the chapter.
  13. Maintain a good relation with the teachers. Try discussing stuff with them.
  14. Always revise whatever has been taught in the class.
  15. Take test series regularly. Make sure you manage your time well in the exam hall. This will familiarise you with the exam hall atmosphere and keep you off from surprises.
  16. Review your solutions after each test. Go back to your notes and revise wherever you have made a mistake.
  17. Build a list of topics which you always somehow do incorrectly. Keep an eye out for them.
  18. Avoid smartphones, social media, and relationships - these are the three biggest distractions at this phase. Avoid all three as much as you can.
  19. Stay fit and healthy.
Time management and how you study that’s all up to you.
All The Very Best and Good Luck :)


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